After the sunshine, there has to be a little rain sometimes….

Remember I said it was not all sunshine and roses? Well yesterday was one of those, less than sunny days! Metaphorically and literally 🙂

After the weekend garage sale, we had colds, were tired, grumpy, and REALLY weary of the wet cold weather that has descended on Newfoundland in the last couple of weeks. I think actually, we are in a bit of shock, as have had such a great year weather wise, on the Avalon peninsular. We had nearly stopped believing all the “talk” about Newfoundland’s “bad” weather, beginning to believe it was just a ploy to keep the hoards from descending on this sweet island, then…….the rain and cold began, and yesterday, the 4th of June, we had snow in St John’s!!!!!! SNOW, PEOPLE, IN JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently this has not happened in over 20 years!


Anyway we did another pack, (I have lost count of how many times we have done it now), we keep finding or thinking of things, then, we discovered Luca could only have his orange carry on bag, and not a backpack as well, so we had to purge again, as weight wise we were just too heavy.

Things were a little tense ,(understatement!), as we re looked at our things and what we could get rid of, AGAIN, it is tough this, much harder than I anticipated ….

We had packed the left over things from the garage sale into the car and thought we would take a break from the suitcases, before we lost the plot completely, and head off to the op shop, (thrift store). On the way we dropped off to the bank to deposit the weekends earnings, this felt good so I was feeling more cheerful, despite the frigid outdoor conditions ,(did I mention the snow?!!!!) ,I got back in the car, turned the key it would not start! Flat battery, and of course we had sold our jumper cables in the garage sale!!! Tow truck called, he arrived, jumped out attached the cables, I started car, (whole thing took less than 2 minutes!),and Rich handed over $50!!!!! A few expletives later, we were on our way again!

Drove to op shop, dropped off everything, drove to Canadian Tire brought new battery and drove home, not turning the engine off the entire time!!! Rich put in new battery and she purred away. Remember in a previous post I mentioned flashing lights? That cost us over a $1000, ahhhhh, you win some and lose some eh?! This car has not given any trouble until now, go figure…..

The day ended with a trip to the dentist, yep Luca needed a filling! A fine end, to a fine day!!!! Actually he handled it really well, but he could really have done with out it 🙂

The good news is we woke this morning to a gorgeous, sunny, warm day. Feeling optimistic, (amazing what a bit a sunshine does), we repacked the suitcases and this time the weight is on track, and Rich, after hours of research, (he truly is the best when it comes to researching) ,bought our health insurance for the next year, (I will do a separate post on this as an important one!), but has been weighing on us, so felt good to tick it off the list! We ticked a few more things off, and even fitted in a walk, and lawn mowing. Luca came home filthy and joyful from being outside at last! I LOVE that earthy smell that comes off him after a day like that!

As Calvin and Hobbes would say “if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day you ought to seriously reexamine your life!”. I totally get why Luca loves them 🙂

It has been a good day !