On the Move

Welcome to my first post!!!!

Rich and I have lived and traveled all over the world, (we met climbing Machu Picchu in Peru), and have continued to do so, since our son Luca was born, that is him in the red shorts on the homepage photo in Mexico, when he was 2, he is now 9.

We have tried settling down over the years, but for numerous reasons it just did not feel right, and when other opportunities presented themselves we embraced them.

We currently live in Newfoundland, Canada. We have been here for just over a year and feel so very privileged to have lived in this amazing Province. The beauty here is incredible,(see Rich and my lunch spot last week in the photo below).

Yet the pull to explore is strong, so….. in one months time we move to Costa Rica!

The aim of this blog is primarily to keep friends and family up to date on where we are, and what we are doing. Secondly when we have moved or traveled somewhere, I have always sought out blogs of others doing something similar, and found them very helpful, so maybe this will be of help to others looking for inspiration…